This plugin requires at least WordPress 3.0



1. Video Tutorials

Installation -
How To Create a Video Player-
How To Create a Video Background For Your Page-

2. Plugin Instalation

Step 1. Enter in your wordpress CMS and go to Plugins menu
Step 2. Under Plugins menu click "Add New"
Step 3. Select "Upload", choose the archive that you downloaded and hit "Install Now"
Step 4. After the plugin is installed click "Activate Plugin"
Step 5. In you page just add the shortcode: [universal_video_player_and_bg settings_id='1']
click here for more details regarding the shortcode


3. Manage Players

From this section you can define the players.
If you need to include multiple players in your pages with different settings and playlist you can define the players and manage the settings for each one.
If you need only one player in your website, just edit the default one.


4. Player Settings

From this section you can define the video player settings.

General Settings
Player Width plugin width
Player Height plugin height
Width 100% Possible values:
true - the plugin width will be 100%
false - the plugin width will be what you've set for 'width' parameter
Height 100% Possible values:
true - the plugin height will be 100%
false - the plugin height will be what you've set for 'width' parameter
Possible values:
true - the plugin will responsive
false - the plugin will not be responsive
Responsive Relative To Browser Possible values:
true - the plugin will be responisve relatively to browser dimensions
false - the plugin will be responisve relatively to parent div
Set as Background
Possible values:
true - if you intend to use the plugin as full screen background
false - if you intend to use the plugin as full screen gallery or full width slider
Auto-Play First Video Possible values:
true - the first video will autoplay
false - the first video will not autoplay
Randomize Videos Possible values:
true - it will navigate the videos in a random manner
false - it will navigate the videos as they are defined
First Video To Be Loaded Define which video will be the first one to load. The counting starts from 0
Loop Possible values:
true - the plugin will loop when reaches the end
false - the plugin will stop when reaches the end
Texture Path The path to the texture file. Please check 'full_screen_youtube.html' file as example. The plugin comes with 5 predefined textures which you can use '_resources/patternFullScreenBg_1.png', '_resources/patternFullScreenBg_2.png', '_resources/patternFullScreenBg_3.png', '_resources/patternFullScreenBg_4.png' and '_resources/patternFullScreenBg_5.png'. You can use any texture you want, just place here the path to the texture
Border Width border width. Only for Fixed Width & Full Width versions
Border Color border color (hexa). Only for Fixed Width & Full Width versions
Video Proportion Width The video proportion is considered to be 16/9. If your video has another proportion, you can set a different value here. The height proportion will always be 9
Suggested Quality

ONLY for YouTube. Available parameters:

  • Quality level small: Player height is 240px, and player dimensions are at least 320px by 240px for 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • Quality level medium: Player height is 360px, and player dimensions are 640px by 360px (for 16:9 aspect ratio) or 480px by 360px (for 4:3 aspect ratio).
  • Quality level large: Player height is 480px, and player dimensions are 853px by 480px (for 16:9 aspect ratio) or 640px by 480px (for 4:3 aspect ratio).
  • Quality level hd720: Player height is 720px, and player dimensions are 1280px by 720px (for 16:9 aspect ratio) or 960px by 720px (for 4:3 aspect ratio).
  • Quality level hd1080: Player height is 1080px, and player dimensions are 1920px by 1080px (for 16:9 aspect ratio) or 1440px by 1080px (for 4:3 aspect ratio).
  • Quality level highres: Player height is greater than 1080px, which means that the player's aspect ratio is greater than 1920px by 1080px.
  • Quality level default: YouTube selects the appropriate playback quality.

For additional informations, please check:

Initial Volume the initial volume value. It takes values between 0-1
Controllers Settings
Number Of Thumbs Per Screen the number of thumbs per screen. If you set it to 0, it will be calculated automatically. You can set a fixed number, for example 3
Bottom Navigation - margin-top The vertical pozition of the bottom navigation area
Bottom Navigation Horizontal Position

Bottom navigation position

Possible values:
- left
- center
- right

Bottom Navigation Lateral Margin Bottom navigation lateral (left/right) margin. It is useful is you set bottomNavPos:left or bottomNavPos:right
Bottom Navigation Minimal Height Bottom navigation height area will not go beneath this value
Thumbs Wrapper Top Padding Bottom navigation top padding
Thumbs Wrapper Bottom Padding Bottom navigation bottom padding
Thumbs Wrapper Background (hexa) The background of the bottom navigation area. Hexa color code, 'transparent' value
Thumbs Wrapper Background (Image) The background of the bottom navigation area, image path. If an image is added, Thumbs Wrapper Background (hexa) is ignored
Thumbs Border Color ON Thumbs Border Color ON State
Thumbs Border Color OFF Thumbs Border Color OFF State
Thumbs Background OFF Color

The playlist record background color (OFF state). It can take 3 values:

1. hexa: thumbsBgOffColor:'#000000'
2. image background: thumbsBgOffColor:'url(some_path/file_name.png) 0 bottom repeat-x',
3. both: thumbsBgOffColor:'url(some_path/file_name.png) 0 bottom repeat-x #000000',

Thumbs Background OFF Img Opacity The playlist image opacity value (OFF state). It can take values between 0-100
Thumbs Background ON Color

The playlist record background color (ON state). It can take 3 values:

1. hexa: thumbsBgOffColor:'#cc181e
2. image background: thumbsBgOffColor:'url(some_path/file_name.png) 0 bottom repeat-x',
3. both: thumbsBgOffColor:'url(some_path/file_name.png) 0 bottom repeat-x #cc181e,

Thumbs Background ON Img Opacity The playlist image opacity value (ON state). It can take values between 0-100
Show Bottom Navigation Possible values:
true - the bottom navigation will appear
false - the bottom navigation will not appear
Show Bottom Navigation On Init Possible values:
true - the bottom navigation will appear on first plugin init
false - the bottom navigation will not appear on first plugin init
Auto Hide Bottom Navigation Possible values:
true - the bottom navigation will hide when mouse out and will appear on mouse over
false - the bottom navigation will not hide when mouse out
Show Video Controls

Possible values:
true - the video controls will appear
false - the video controls will not appear

NOTE: Vimeo doesn't support this option

Thumb Width the bottom navigation thumbnail width
Thumb Height the bottom navigation thumbnail height


5. Playlist

Thumbnail The playlist thumbnail path
YouTube Video ID If you want to play a YouTube video, you'll insert the YouTube video ID. A YouTube link is of this form
The value of 'v' parameter is the ID you need.
Vimeo Video ID If you want to play a Vimeo video, you'll insert the Vimeo video ID. A Vimeo link is of this form
The last number of the link is the ID
Self Hosted/Third Party Hosted Video .MP4 file If you want to play a self-hosted video, you'll insert the path to the .mp4 file which can be a relative path or an URL. Don't forget to add .webm file if you want to play on Opera, too
Self Hosted/Third Party Hosted Video .WEBM file If you want to play a self-hosted video, you'll insert the path to the .webm file which can be a relative path or an URL. Don't forget to add .mp4 file which is the main video file
Video Proportion Width

Only if is used as full-screen background.

If a video has other proportion than 16/9, set the new with proportion. The height proportion will always be 9. This parameter will overwrite, only for this video, the general parameter 'Video Proportion Width' defined in Player Settings


6. ShortCode

The shortcode is:
[universal_video_player_and_bg settings_id='1']
settings_id is the player ID defined in "Manage Players" section